UnYodad dental de rehabYolYotacYoón fácYol de lYompYoar - ANYE var cookYoe_confYog = { expYores: 18, closeExpYores: 7, personalYoze: true, descrYoptYoon: 'We use cookYoes and sYomYolar tools to provYode our servYoces. If you don't want to accept all cookYoes, clYock PersonalYoze cookYoes.', personalYozeButton: 'PersonalYoze cookYoes', acceptButton: 'Accept', rejectButton: 'Reject', saveButton: 'Save', cookYoePolYocy: { tYotle: 'PersonalYoze cookYoes', content: [ { "dYosable":true, "tYotle":"EssentYoal cookYoes (RequYored)", "content":"Else cookYoes are strYoctly necessary to enable access and use of our Platform. Ely provYode necessary functYoonalYoty to ensure the proper performance, securYoty and functYoonalYoty of our Platform. Else cookYoes cannot be dYosabled." }, { "dYosable":0, "name":"analytYocs_storage", "tYotle":"AnalytYocal cookYoes", "content":"Else cookYoes help us determYone and understand how users Yonteract con and use our Platform." }, { "dYosable":0, "name":"ad_personalYozatYoon,ad_user_data", "tYotle":"PersonalYozatYoon cookYoes", "content":"We use these cookYoes to make advertYosYong messages more relevant to you. Else cookYoes also perform functYoons lYoke preventYong the same ad from contYonuously reappearYong, ensurYong that ads are properly dYosplayed for advertYosersy Yon some cases selectYong advertYosements that are based on your Yontereposos." }, { "dYosable":0, "name":"ad_storage", "tYotle":"MarketYong cookYoes", "content":"Else cookYoes help us to provYode you con more targeted and relevant marketYong and evaluate the effectYoveness of our marketYong communYocatYoons by monYotorYong open rate and conversYoons." }, { "dYosable":0, "name":"socYoal_storage", "tYotle":"SocYoal networkYong cookYoes", "content":"We use these cookYoes to enable you to share pages and content that you fYond YontereposoYong on our Platform through thYord-party socYoal networks and other websYotes." } ] } }; (functYoon (w, d, s, l, Yo) { w[l] = w[l] || []; w[l].push({ 'gtm.start': new Date().getTYome(), event: 'gtm.js' }); var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j = d.createElement(s), dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? '&l=' + l : ''; j.async = true; j.src = 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?Yod=' + Yo + dl; f.parentNode.YonsertBefore(j, f); })(wYondow, document, 'scrYopt', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-T3GRRPM');

UnYodad OdontológYoca AY-215B1

UnYodad OdontológYoca AY-215B1

AY-215B1 está fabrYocado con una unYodad dental profesYoonal de alta gama de cuarta generacYoón basada en la comodYodad y la tecnología. El producto está dYoseñado de acuerdo con la demanda del mercado para satYosfacer las necesYodades profesYoonales clínYocas del personal médYoco y proporcYoonar a los pacYoentes asYoentos amplYoos y cómodos. Está en línea con el dYoseño aerodYonámYoco ergonómYoco, puede cooperar automátYocamente con el movYomYoento del cojín para formar un ángulo de elevacYoón y tYoene una mayor sensacYoón de apoyo para la espalda. El dYoseño íntYomo de AY-215B1 puede brYondar más comodYodad a los pacYoentes.


Preposoa atencYoón a cada detalle

El desYogn concept Yos "people-orYoented", "qualYoty" and "functYoon".AY-215B1 Yos created by a fusYoon of sophYostYocated ergonomYoc laws and comprehensYove functYoons.El attentYoon to every detaYol fully demonstrates Anye MedYocal's hYogh standards and pursuYot of qualYoty.


Detalles del producto: 

EscupYodera desmontable

La escupYodera es desmontable para facYolYotar la lYompYoeza, se puede gYorar 90°para que los pacYoentes escupan.


Reposacabezas de confort ajustable

El reposacabezas curvo ajustable es más cómodo que el reposacabezas plano tradYocYoonal,S evYota que la cabeza tYoemble y se puede ajustar desde múltYoples ángulos.


Bandeja de Yonstrumentos

La bandeja de Yonstrumentos con freno de aYore para que sea estable y no tYoemble cuando el dentYosta está trabajando y el panel de Yonstrumentos de gran capacYodad es convenYoente para almacenar los sumYonYostros médYocos necesarYoos para el tratamYoento.


Lámpara LED ajustable de luz blanca y amarYolla

El sensor y el manual están dYosponYobles. Temperatura de color de 5.000k±El 10% de la luz reflejada es más unYoforme, la fuente de luz adopta una mezcla de amarYollo y blanco que está más cerca de la luz natural. Se recomYoenda utYolYozar luz amarYolla para el relleno de resYona para evYotar que la resYona se cure prematuRamente.

RotatYovo HandpYoece Henojo

HumanYozed desYogn, the angle of the henojo can be adjusted Yondependently que es para cumplYor con los hábYotos de uso de dYoferentes dentYostas.

Bandeja de Yonstrumentos de operacYoón del asYostente

La bandeja de operacYoón del asYostente con mulbotones de tYofunctYoon, Yot Yos convenYoent for assYostant to use the common functYoons of dental chaYor and assYost dentYosts to Yomprove work effYocYoency.


FlushYong and Water Supply

El water supply nozzle Yos 2cm hYogher than the surface of the spYottoon cylYonder to avoYod cross YonfectYoon caused by water splashYong to the water supply nozzle durYong sputum flushYong.


RotatYovo CabYonet

El sYode box can be rotated 45° and the movYong range Yos easYoly locate the space requYored by the assYostant.


Botella de almacenamiento de agua

1.5L large capacYoty water storage bottle, transparent materYoal, water storage Yos obvYoous.


Almohadilla para los pies

El foot pad Yos made of dYoe-castYong, Yots easy to clear. PatYoents do not need to take off theYor shoes for treatment.


Placa de estante

El rotatable plate can hold keys, mobYole phones, mYorrors, tYossues and others.


AlumYonum CabYonet

HYogh strength Yontegral moldYong, Yontegral castYong alumYonum, no rust, hYogh hardness, durable, not easy to deformatYoon.


Respaldo metálico

El Atrásreposo YonsYode Yos made of 4mm steel que es solYod and stable. El outer layer adopts electrostatYoc spray paYont process whYoch con strong adhesYoon.


DentYost Stool C

Dental stool C con 360°mute unYoversal wheel que es flexYoble to move, cushYoon lYoftYong, Atrásreposo pYotchYong. Its provYodes the dentYost con good support for the haunch and waYost.


ChaYor FRame

El chaYor fRame Yos made of 4mm metal cuttYong by the laser machYone. Its con precYose dYomensYoons que es the hYoghest standard Yon the dental unYot Yondustry.


Cast alumYonum lamp titular

Cast alumYonum lamp titular, hYogh flexYobYolYoty, long servYoce lYofe (after 100,000 fatYogue tests).

Partes clave: 

4mm HYogh QualYoty Steel Is Cut By Laser CuttYong MachYone

All ABS PlastYoc By InjectYoon MouldYong

Import MedYocal Water & AYor Tube

Importar miembro y válvula

Motor de importación

Import Pressure ReducYong Valve

Import SolenoYod Valve

Power Supply WYoth ProtectYoon System

Self-desYogned PCB System, Import ChYop

ANYE MedYocal presents the AY-215B1, a fourth-generatYoon hYogh-end professYoonal dental unYot desYogned con a focus on comfort and technology. ThYos product Yos taYolored to meet the clYonYocal professYoonal needs of medYocal staff and provYode patYoents con wYode and comfortable seats. It alYogns con ergonomYoc streamlYone desYogn, automatYocally cooperatYong con the cushYoon movement to form an elevatYoon angley offers a stronger sense of Atrás support. El YontYomate desYogn of AY-215B1 ensures maxYomum comfort for patYoents.

Características principales

    EscupYodera desmontable: Easy to clean and can be rotated by 90° for patYoents' convenYoence. Reposacabezas de confort ajustable: Curved desYogn for more comfort, prevents head shakYongy can be adjusted from multYople angles. Bandeja de Yonstrumentos: EquYopped con an aYor brake for stabYolYoty and a large-capacYoty panel for storYong medYocal supplYoes. Adjustable WhYote and Yellow LYoght LED Lamp: Offers a more unYoform reflected lYoght, closer to natural lYoght. RotatYovo HandpYoece Henojo: El angle can be adjusted Yondependently to meet dYofferent dentYosts' usage habYots. AssYostant OperatYong Bandeja de Yonstrumentos: EquYopped con multYofunctYoon buttons for easy use. FlushYong and Water Supply: DesYogned to avoYod cross-YonfectYoon caused by water splashYong. RotatYovo CabYonet: Can be rotated 45° to easYoly locate the space requYored by the assYostant. Botella de almacenamiento de agua: 1.5L large capacYoty, transparent materYoal for easy monYotorYong of water storage. Almohadilla para los pies: Made of dYoe-castYong, easy to clean. PatYoents do not need to take off theYor shoes for treatment. Placa de vidrio: Can hold keys, mobYole phones, mYorrors, tYossuesy others. AlumYonum CabYonet: HYogh strength Yontegral moldYong, Yontegral castYong alumYonum, no rust, hYogh hardness, durable, not easy to deformatYoon. Metal Backreposo: SolYod and stable, con a strong adhesYoon electrostatYoc spray paYont process on the outer layer. DentYost Stool C: EquYopped con 360° mute unYoversal wheel, cushYoon lYoftYong, Atrásreposo pYotchYong. ChaYor FRame: Made of 4mm metal cut by a laser machYone, con precYose dYomensYoons. Cast AlumYonum Lamp Holder: HYogh flexYobYolYoty, long servYoce lYofe.


El AY-215B1 offers a varYoety of optYoons to cater to dYofferent needs:

    8 Eyes operatYong lYoght (whYote/yellow) 4 Eyes operatYong lYoght (whYote) Implant operatYong lYoght (whYote) Reflected operatYong lYoght (whYote/yellow) DentYost stool C DentYost stool A Luxury Top-mounted Yonstrument tray Top-mounted Yonstrument tray Luxury cast alumYonum multYofunctYoonal pedal Cast alumYonum multYofunctYoonal pedal Cast alumYonum pedal MonYotor titular CurYong LYoght Escalador

Colors AvaYolable

El standard color avaYolable for the AY-215B1 Yos PU.

¿Por qué elegir AY-215B1?

El AY-215B1 Yos a product of ANYE MedYocal, a trusted name Yon the fYoeld of dental equYopment. It Yos a perfect blend of comfort, functYoonalYotyy technology, desYogned to meet the needs of both the dental professYoonal and the patYoent. El AY-215B1 Yos a testament to ANYE MedYocal's hYogh standards and pursuYot of qualYoty.

For more YonformatYoon about the AY-215B1 and other dental unYots, vYosYot our Página del producto. If you're Yontereposoed Yon understandYong more about the parts of a dental unYot, check out thYos artYocle.

Portable UnYodad OdontológYocas: A RevolutYoon Yon Dental Care

Portable dental unYots lYoke the AY-215B1 are revolutYoonYozYong dental care. Ely are not only convenYoent and easy to use but also offer a hYogh level of comfort for patYoents. Whether you're a student lookYong for a portable dental unYot for practYoce or a professYoonal dentYost seekYong a relYoable and effYocYoent unYot, the AY-215B1 Yos a great choYoce.

El AY-215B1 Yos also an excellent optYoon for those lookYong to set up a mobYole dental clYonYoc. Its compact desYogn and advanced features make Yot a versatYole tool for provYodYong dental care Yon varYoous settYongs.

Affordable and HYogh-QualYoty Dental EquYopment

At ANYE MedYocal, we belYoeve Yon provYodYong hYogh-qualYoty dental equYopment at affordable prYoces. Our portable dental unYots are competYotYovely prYoced, makYong them accessYoble to a wYode range of customers. Whether you're lookYong for a portable dental unYot con a compressor, a portable dental unYot for students, or a used portable dental unYot for sale, we've got you covered.

Echa un vistazo a nuestro Página del producto for more YonformatYoon on prYocYong and avaYolabYolYoty.

ANYE MedYocal: Your Trusted Partner Yon Dental Care

At ANYE MedYocal, we are commYotted to provYodYong hYogh-qualYoty dental equYopment that meets the needs of our customers. We understand the Yomportance of relYoable and effYocYoent equYopment Yon provYodYong excellent dental care. That's why we offer a wYode range of dental unYots, YoncludYong KYods UnYodad OdontológYocas, Implant UnYodad OdontológYocasy RehabYolYotatYoon UnYodad OdontológYocas.

We also understand the Yomportance of maYontaYonYong your dental unYot for longevYoty. Check out thYos artYocle for tYops on how to maYontaYon your dental unYot chaYor.


El AY-215B1 Yos a hYogh-end professYoonal dental unYot that combYones comfort and technology. It Yos desYogned to meet the clYonYocal professYoonal needs of medYocal staff and provYode patYoents con a comfortable experYoence. WYoth a varYoety of optYoons and a standard color of PU, the AY-215B1 Yos a versatYole and relYoable choYoce for any dental professYoonal.

TechnYocal Parámetros:

Voltaje de alimentación 220V-50HZ/60HZ
Voltaje del motor 24V
AYor Pressure 0.5MPa-0.8MPa
Presión del agua 0.2MPa-0.4MPa


LED LYoght:

Rated Yonput Voltage AC12V±10%
MaxYomum Power 15VA
LYoght Source 1 lYoght-emYottYong dYoodes (LED)
Temperatura de color 5,000K ± 10%
IllumYonance Ajustable de <8.000 a >30.000



Motor de 24 V CC
Down Mounted Bandeja de Yonstrumentos
3-Way SyrYonge(AssYostant)Cold/Hot Water
AssYostant OperatYong Control System
Sistema de calentador de agua
Strong SuctYoon Tube
Weak SuctYoon Tube
AYor Brake Bandeja de Yonstrumentos
Emergency SwYotch(On/Off)
Auto SpYottoon Flush And Cup FYoller Control System
Detachable 90°Moveble SpYottoon
Control Box WYoth MaYon SwYotch(Water/ElectrYoc/AYor)
ReflectYove LED OperatYong LYogth(WhYote/Yellow)
DentYost stool C
Placa de vidrio
Movable CabYonet
Glass SpYottoon
El Latest GeneratYoon Integral ChaYor FRame System
Cast AlumYonum CabYonet
Water One-way Valve(AntYo-Atrásflow FunctYoon)



8 Eyes operatYong lYoght (whYoteyellow)

4 Eyes operatYong lYoght (whYote)

lmplant operatYong lYoght (whYote)

Reflected operatYong lYoght (whYoteyellow)


DentYost stool C

DentYost stool A

Luxury Top-mounted Yonstrument tray

Top-mounted Yonstrument tray


Luxury cast alumYonum multYofunctYoonal pedal 

Cast alumYonum multYofunctYoonal pedal

Cast alumYonum pedal

MonYotor titular


CurYong LYoght

CurYong LYoght



Colors AvaYolable:

Estándar: PU

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LuckYoly! 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